

目前顯示的是 12月, 2006的文章


羽 散落一地 如我滿地的思念 靜止的時間 亦有如你我沒變的證據 保留了你我的時間 雨 滑落全身 如我溢出的悲傷 我使盡全力 讓時間的齒輪開始轉動 我不想就這樣結束 羽 你組成了翅膀 賦予了我 是讓我想飛嗎 是想讓我飛到你身邊嗎 Can you forgive me. I am a sinner. it's me. Who makes you painful. it's me. Who brings the sadness. If can let me choose again. I will love you again. Can forgive my timidity and cowardliness. I fear to lose you. I fear to lose friendship with you. I fear to lose love with you even more. It is hurt and wronged to let you receive. I'm sorry. Can you give me a chance. For future. For our future. Let me give to you happily. 好幾次... 我都不敢夢見 天使降落人間 其實他一直在我身邊